Extract the most from your cloud investment

Pepperdata enhances resource optimization in your clusters in real time to save you 30–47% on average.

  • capacity optimization instance hours icon

    Reduce Instance Hours immediately

    Pepperdata reduces cost by eliminating waste and decreasing instance hour consumption.

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    Optimize Spark clusters for peak application efficiency

    Optimize Spark application capacity and run more jobs without changing your application code.

  • capacity optimization eliminate manual tuning

    Tune resources automatically
    in real time

    Tune resources automatically in real time

    Free developers from the hassle of manual resource optimization with automatic waste elimination.

Resource optimization with Continuous Intelligent Tuning

capacity optimization with without graphic

Resource optimization with Continuous Intelligent Tuning

Using patented algorithms, Capacity Optimizer’s Continuous Intelligent Tuning:

  • Rapidly identifies opportunities and implements resource optimization in real time
  • Automatically adds tasks fill nodes that have available resources
  • Enables new nodes to be launched only when existing nodes are fully utilized

The result:

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CPU and memory are automatically optimized

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More applications launched
without increasing cost

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Developers are freed to focus on innovation versus continually tuning apps by hand

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CPU and memory are automatically optimized

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More applications launched
without increasing cost

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Developers are freed to focus on innovation versus continually tuning apps by hand


Autodesk reduces Amazon EMR costs by 50% and boosts performance with Pepperdata


Autodesk reduces Amazon EMR costs by 50% and boosts performance with Pepperdata

Autodesk successfully reduced the cost of running Spark workloads on Amazon EMR by over 50% by optimizing application capacity with Pepperdata’s continuous, real-time resource optimization from Pepperdata.

TPC-DS Benchmarks for Apache Spark on Amazon EMR and EKS

Reduced the total instance hours and related costs by 41.8% and enabled the entire workload to run 45.5% faster (October 2023)

Optimized resource utilization with a 157% increase in CPU utilization and a 38% increase in memory utilization (August 2021)

*TPC-DS is the Decision Support framework from the Transaction Processing Performance Council. TPC-DS is an industry-standard big data analytics benchmark. Pepperdata’s work is not an official audited benchmark as defined by TPC. TPC-DS benchmark results (Amazon EKS), 1 TB dataset, 500 nodes, 10 parallel applications with 275 executors per application.

Instance hours reduction for Amazon EMR on EKS with Pepperdata

Pepperdata Capacity Optimizer
EMR on EKS savings

Pepperdata Capacity Optimizer EMR on EKS savings

Pepperdata conducted an October 2023 performance audit of Capacity Optimizer for Amazon EMR on EKS using a live customer’s workloads. The result: 42.5% reduced cost.

Explore More

Looking for a safe, proven method to reduce waste and cost by up to 47% and maximize value for your cloud environment? Sign up now for a free Cost Optimization Proof-of-Value to see how Pepperdata Capacity Optimizer can help you start saving immediately.