Pepperdata Helps Magnite’s Shift to Big Data in the Cloud

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Magnite, the biggest independent sell-side advertising solution, empowers publishers with their innovative monetization technology. Trusted by the world's foremost agencies and brands, Magnite's advertising technology provides publishers access to brand-safe, high-quality ad inventory, powering billions of advertising transactions every month.

In 2021, Magnite’s revenue exceeded $416.5 million. The adtech company forecasts 2022 revenue to go beyond $500 million, a clear indication that Magnite’s monumental decision to shift to big data in the cloud is a big and ongoing success.

Big Data in The Cloud Challenges

As Magnite’s customer base grew exponentially, they needed to migrate the bulk of their big data stack from on premises to the cloud. However, the company’s migration to big data in the cloud unearthed serious cloud migration challenges.

During the migration, Magnite struggled with a lack of visibility into their big data cloud infrastructure and processes. They couldn’t visualize their JVM metrics. Without visibility, Magnite wouldn’t be able to keep their cloud costs under control. This issue is a prevalent theme for organizations that migrate to big data in the cloud.

Pepperdata’s Big Data Cloud Technology Report shows that 1 in 12 companies are spending 40% more than their initial cloud budget. In addition, 1 in 3 enterprises saw their cloud spend go over budget by between 20% and 40%.

Magnite’s engineers knew they needed to have superior visibility into their cloud-based stack. They also knew that Amazon’s native offering alone would not suffice.

The Pepperdata Solution

Magnite's previous experience with Pepperdata for their on-premise big data management and monitoring prompted the leaders to reach out to Pepperdata to address their big data in the cloud issues, particularly their visibility concerns.

The subsequent implementation of Pepperdata Platform Spotlight resulted in superior visibility for Magnite. With Pepperdata, Magnite’s big data cloud teams could effortlessly gather the most meaningful and relevant metrics and generate robust visualizations based on real-time data.

As Jesse Escobedo, a Senior Systems Engineer on the Infrastructure Engineering team at Magnite put it:

“If there is contention or a slowdown on the cluster, I quickly view the current workflow, drill down to the moment of contention, and examine specific metrics like garbage collection, CPU, and I/ O usage. I immediately get useful indications on how to better tune the cluster and quickly fix the problem.”

Download the Magnite Case Study and discover how Pepperdata addressed Magnite’s big data in the cloud issues and propelled the company to becoming the biggest independent sell-side adtech firm.

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