"Why buy a cloud cost optimization solution when I can just build it myself?"
Here at Pepperdata, we often hear this question. Many of our prospects and customers have gone to great lengths implementing various optimization strategies and solutions to mitigate the cost of their cloud or on-prem data centers. These homegrown solutions might include monitoring tools, manual or automated instance rightsizing initiatives, enabling autoscaling, and application tuning.
While these solutions certainly reduce some costs, they don’t address the waste specific to application overprovisioning. This overprovisioning waste lowers utilization rates, especially for data workloads running on Kubernetes or Amazon EMR.
The #1 and perhaps the most important reason to not build is that there is truly no way to address this overprovisioning waste with any solution other than Pepperdata.
Let's dig a little deeper to see why a ready-built, real-time, automated software solution such as Pepperdata Capacity Optimizer—with a guaranteed 100% ROI—makes the decision to purchase an enterprise-ready cost optimization solution clear-cut.
Reason #1: TIME
Immediate, Comprehensive Results vs. Months or Years
with a Partial Solution
Once you decide that your company needs a solution for optimizing cost and efficiency in your large-scale data environment, how long can you afford to wait before you have that solution in hand, and it's actually delivering value?
Our customers have told us that in-house initiatives typically involve an investment of months, if not years. Strategic planning, design and installation, and customization can all take unpredictable amounts of time. Meanwhile, your environment might be running at suboptimal efficiency—day in and day out—throughout. It's like having a faucet running nonstop while you're busy trying to build a solution to turn it off.
Even when you're building your own solution, you're going to fall short of the results that Pepperdata can provide while paying for itself since other solutions don’t address the application overprovisioning that leads to low utilization rates.
Pepperdata Capacity Optimizer enables you to shut off the leaky faucet right away by enabling immediate 30% average savings on your cloud bill, all without requiring any application code changes. Capacity Optimizer gets to work immediately as soon as it's installed, so you'll start to see measurable cost savings immediately—not days or weeks later.
Figure 1: Why leave the faucet running on your wasteful and inefficient compute environment while you wait—possibly months or even years—to build a cost optimization solution?
Reason #2: COST
Pepperdata's 100% ROI Guarantee vs. Uncertain or Negative ROI
The challenges involved in building your own optimization solution can yield a highly uncertain, if not negative, ROI. The level of resources required to investigate, design, build, deploy, scale, and maintain your own in-house solution means your business could be indefinitely encumbered with a distracting and resource-intensive side project.
In comparison, Capacity Optimizer has been proven to deliver an average 30% (or more!) additional cost savings for Kubernetes and for data-intensive workloads such as Apache Spark on Amazon EMR and Amazon EKS—on top of everything else you might be doing. Pepperdata offers a 100% ROI guarantee, which means that each dollar invested in Pepperdata will be recovered within a few months through the savings that Capacity Optimizer enables. You will always save more than you pay. The cost of Capacity Optimizer is always just a small percentage of the total savings. And if for any reason your qualified workload is not generating savings, you won't be charged. Simply put, you don't pay if you don't save.
Our Developers Are Cost Optimization Experts So Yours Don’t Have to Be
While you can always try your best to build an in-house cost optimization tool yourself—or hire a third-party consultant to help—those efforts usually require significant money and time. Your engineering team may be among the sharpest and most dedicated in the world, but the nuances of cost optimization require specialized expertise.
With Pepperdata Capacity Optimizer, you save money, time to value, and distraction from your company's core mission. You'll instantly benefit from the only solution that reduces overprovisioning waste and increases utilization levels to deliver an average 30% greater cost savings—continuously and in real time with no application changes or manual tuning.
Pepperdata Capacity Optimizer optimizes compute resources in real time in some of the largest and most complex environments in the world, enabling customers to run Kubernetes and Amazon EMR on 30% less infrastructure on average. Founded in 2012, Pepperdata has helped top enterprises such as Citibank, Autodesk, Magnite, Royal Bank of Canada, members of the Fortune 10, and mid-sized companies save over $250 million.
Proven Scalability in the World's Largest Clusters
Assuming you do decide to build your own in-house optimization solution, how will you ensure that it will continue to operate correctly at scale as your business grows? The effort required to ensure the scalability of your solution can redirect valuable resources away from your core business efforts.
Capacity Optimizer has already conquered the challenges of scalability. Capacity Optimizer is currently deployed on over 20,000 cloud clusters and thousands of on-prem clusters. We've supported our customers as their businesses have expanded dramatically. As your data infrastructure grows, Capacity Optimizer will be right there with you to maintain optimal performance and cost-efficiency, as we do with all our customers.
Your Engineers Can Focus on Growing Your Core Business
If your engineers are busy building and maintaining an in-house cost optimization solution, they're not focused on growing your business. They're not strengthening their expertise in your company's core competencies, or building new features to contribute to the bottom line and delight customers.
Even seemingly straightforward optimization boosts—like manually tuning your applications, rightsizing instances, and enabling autoscaling—can come with costly downsides of ongoing upkeep. When workloads change, as they invariably do, all those parameters you set might no longer be valid, and you might have to reconfigure your environment all over again.
Why allow your engineers to squander hours, days, or months on such non-strategic and distracting efforts?
Pepperdata Capacity Optimizer eliminates any need for you to invest in the ongoing development and care of in-house tooling and proprietary systems, as well as the hassle of tuning individual applications. Capacity Optimizer empowers you to focus your engineers on growth and innovation, including business-forward initiatives such as GenAI.
Summing It All Up
Pepperdata Capacity Optimizer for the Win
Pepperdata Capacity Optimizer was built to solve the problem of low utilization rates. This low utilization exists even after you right size instances, deploy autoscaling and Spark Dynamic Allocation, which continues to cost you money. Only Pepperdata cost optimization enables your nodes to run at their greatest capacity, and it does this automatically without the need for manual tuning.
Pepperdata enables nodes to run at the greatest capacity and efficiency. Capacity Optimizer automatically reduces instance hours and costs by 30 percent on average by maximizing resource utilization, eliminating the need for tuning applications.
Request a demo today to learn more and get started. We look forward to speaking with you!