100% ROI Guarantee:
You Don’t Pay If You Don’t Save

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Pepperdata's 100% ROI Guarantee:
Remove the Risk From Optimization

Optimizing data-intensive workloads typically takes months of planning and significant human effort to put cost-saving tools and processes in place. Every passing day increases the risk of additional expenditures—outlays that cost the business money and time, and that cause delays to new revenue-generating GenAI or AgenticAI projects.

Remove the risk from optimization with Pepperdata Capacity Optimizer’s 100% ROI Guarantee. Pepperdata autonomous cost optimization delivers 30-47% (or more!) additional cost savings for data-intensive workloads such as Apache Spark on Amazon EMR, and guarantees that qualified workloads will experience a 100% ROI with Pepperdata.

With Pepperdata's 100% ROI guarantee, each dollar invested in Pepperdata will be recovered within a few months through the savings that Capacity Optimizer enables. The cost of Capacity Optimizer is always just a small percentage of the total savings. And if for any reason your qualified workload is not generating savings, you won’t be charged. It’s simple: You don't pay if you don’t save.

Save Money and Time—Immediate Results

No need to wait days or months to see the effects of Capacity Optimizer, either. Pepperdata starts delivering savings immediately once installed. Installation in most environments takes only about an hour.

How does Pepperdata optimization work? Operating automatically to analyze resource usage in real time, Pepperdata Capacity Optimizer identifies nodes/pods where more work can be done. It then communicates this insight to the system scheduler, which then adds tasks to nodes/pods with available resources and to spin up new nodes/pods only when existing nodes are fully utilized

The result: CPU and memory are immediately and continuously optimized—translating to reduced costs and increased utilization of resources. Pepperdata optimization is autonomous, which means there is no need for recommendations to be applied manually, and the need for ongoing manual tuning is safely eliminated.

Pepperata has saved its customers over $250 million, which they're reinvesting in innovation, business expansion and transformation, and widening profit margins. And because Capacity Optimizer works autonomously, you'll enjoy those savings immediately and continuously, day by day and year by year, just as these companies have done:

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With Pepperdata's 100% ROI guarantee, you'll be able to recover long-standing wasted resources immediately without risk and put it to work for your business. 

Pepperdata: A Savings Engine

Even better—Pepperdata customers achieve a typical ROI between 300% and 600%, meaning that Pepperdata is a savings engine. Customers who spend $1 now on Pepperdata recoup $3-6 later via a reduced cloud bill.

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Free Your Engineers—Fuel Your Business

On top of all these hard cost savings, you'll also enjoy the soft savings of freeing your engineering team from the tedium of manually tuning applications for strategic, growth-focused endeavors.

Projects that Pepperdata customers have redeployed with their freed-up engineering resources include:

  • Migrating more workloads to the cloud
  • Migrating workloads from Amazon EMR to Amazon EKS
  • New capabilities to radically streamline business operations
  • Future-oriented initiatives to propel the business forward, such as GenAI-based projects

Ready to Get Started?

Experience the freedom of guaranteed savings for your qualified Apache Spark and other data-intensive workloads. Qualified companies can try Pepperdata Capacity Optimizer for free through the AWS Marketplace. Or please reach out to info@pepperdata.com with any questions!

Explore More

Looking for a safe, proven method to reduce waste and cost by 30% or more and maximize value for your cloud environment? Sign up now for a free cost optimization demo to learn how Pepperdata Capacity Optimizer can help you start saving immediately.