After you’ve run Managed Autoscaling, Spark Dynamic Allocation, and manually tuned your workloads, Pepperdata still automatically saves you 30% or more.

After you’ve run Managed Autoscaling, Spark Dynamic Allocation, and manually tuned your workloads, Pepperdata still automatically saves you 30% or more.

After you’ve run Managed Autoscaling, Spark Dynamic Allocation, and manually tuned your workloads, Pepperdata still automatically saves you 30% or more.

Achieved more than 50% reduction of instance costs for a savings of over $1.1 million over 14 months.

Ran 50% more tasks on one of their largest clusters.

Achieved a 30% cloud cost reduction within a week and an average monthly savings of $7800.

Achieved a 95% infrastructure utilization and a 23% cost savings on Amazon EMR.

Achieved almost $5 million in annualized savings and exceeded 200% ROI.

Achieved annualized savings of over $600K.

Achieved a 24% increase in task performance and saved $30K in three months.

Achieved 30% uplift in YARN resources and saved thousands of hours of core and memory waste.

Achieved up to 36% savings on core production Amazon EMR clusters and a total of $225K in monthly savings.

Achieved more than 50% reduction of instance costs for a savings of over $1.1 million over 14 months.

Spark Application Waste Still Exists
Despite Traditional Optimizations

Traditional infrastructure optimizations don’t eliminate the problem of application waste due to unused capacity at the Spark task and executor level. Pepperdata automatically closes this gap and saves you more.

Traditional infrastructure optimizations don’t eliminate the problem of application waste due to unused capacity at the Spark task and executor level. Pepperdata automatically closes this gap and saves you more.

Traditional infrastructure optimizations don’t eliminate the problem of application waste due to unused capacity at the Spark task and executor level. Pepperdata automatically closes this gap and saves you more.

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Managed Autoscaling

Doesn’t prevent Spark from wasting requested resources

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Spark Dynamic Allocation

Doesn’t prevent overprovisioning within tasks

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Manual Tuning

Can’t keep up with the continuous and changing app resource requirements

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Managed Autoscaling

Doesn’t prevent Spark from wasting requested resources

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Spark Dynamic Allocation

Doesn’t prevent overprovisioning within tasks

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Manual Tuning

Can’t keep up with the continuous and changing app resource requirements

Pepperdata Capacity Optimizer

  • square border icon

    Reduce instance hours and costs

    Save an average of 30-47 percent on Spark workload costs on Amazon EMR and Amazon EKS.

  • pie chart icon

    Optimize Spark clusters for efficiency

    Minimize (or eliminate) waste in Spark to run more applications without additional spend.

  • circuit icon

    Eliminate manual tuning and tweaking

    Free developers from the tedium of managing individual apps so they can focus on more innovative and strategic tasks.

Reduce Operational Costs, Maximize Savings

Data from 2023 Pepperdata TPC-DS Benchmark


Cost Savings: Reduced instance hour consumption


Improved Performance: Decreased application runtime


Increased Throughput: Uplift in average concurrent container count

TPC-DS is the Decision Support framework from the Transaction Processing Performance Council. TPC-DS is an industry-standard big data analytics benchmark. Pepperdata’s work is not an official audited benchmark as defined by TPC. TPC-DS benchmark results (Amazon EKS), 1 TB dataset, 500 nodes, and 10 parallel applications with 275 executors per application.

Pepperdata Provides Immediate Value for Your Augmented FinOps

Pepperdata amplifies the success of FinOps teams through its real-time,
autonomous and continuous cloud cost optimization solution.

finops principles
  • Group 2539 1

    Continuous Intelligent Application Tuning

    Pepperdata maintains workloads continuously in their optimal sweet spot by automating application tuning in real time.

  • Group 2527

    Enhanced Resource Utilization

    Pepperdata optimization increases resource utilization without manual intervention, freeing your IT teams to focus on higher value tasks.

  • Group 2529

    FinOps Focused Dashboard

    Experience a dashboard that empowers the collaboration of financial teams and technical teams.

Customers Love Pepperdata

If you’re running Spark, give us 6 hours,
We’ll save you 30% on top of everything you’ve already done.

If you’re running Spark, give us 6 hours, We’ll save you 30% on top of everything you’ve already done.

If you’re running Spark, give us 6 hours, We’ll save you 30% on top of everything you’ve already done.

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Cloud Management and
Cloud Cost Management

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“Pepperdata lets us see inside our ephemeral clusters even after they’ve been deleted.”

Being able to see the memory, cpu, io and other cluster metrics help us to appropriately size the clusters and tune our jobs.
Review collected by and hosted on

gartner peer insights

Chief Data Architect, DPI

“The Missing Link In Large Scale YARN Cluster Management”

Getting up and running effectively took a little time, but now that we use of the product for ongoing monitoring and operations it’s hard to understand how we were getting by without it.

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Sr. Software Engineer, Cloud Infrastructure

“Best for spark application monitor”

Easy to navigate for all metrics related to spark job, capture all yarn-related metrics. we can search by application id easily. multiple realm is also useful for EMR spark

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Consultant, 08/28/2022

“Pepperdata helps us in optimizing our day to day tasks.”

Its easy to go through the UI and get the stats of the tasks and see the errors and optimize them accordingly. Review collected by and hosted on

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Associate Software Engineer, 08/23/2022

“Pepperdata & Big Data Positives”

Pepperdata has been essential for my team. We use Apache data aggregation tools at scale; Pepperdata helps us to monitor memory and CPU usage with easy-to-read visualizations, warnings, and metrics.

Explore More

Looking for a safe, proven method to reduce waste and cost by up to 47% and maximize value for your cloud environment? Sign up now for a free cost optimization demo to learn how Pepperdata Capacity Optimizer can help you start saving immediately.